So, apparently I need to pick just one favorite book boyfriend? And I have no idea how to do that. How can I choose when there are so many awesome book-men out there?
So, since I can’t decide, I’ll just tell you about one of the awesome book boyfriends I “dated” recently. 🙂 Zack Todd is Sheriff of the Three Sisters Island (a place I would totally love to live…if it existed, which I don’t think it does) and a sweet, charming, understanding, strong hero type of guy. (Yes, I love him. Who wouldn’t?) His job is fairly slow but when needed to, he can protect his neighbors and save damsels in distress. And you should see what he does in his off hours!
Zack is the hero from Dance Upon the Air by Nora Roberts. 🙂
Which book boyfriends do you love?
Excerpt from The Billionaire’s Curvy Guide:
He didn’t answer for a long time. When she looked up, she found his gaze trained on her. “The stuff you gave me yesterday said you do guided tours. Personally.”
Damn it. Yes, she had been designated the guided tour girl. She loved the country around here and enjoyed showing it off to guests, no matter the season. Except him. Walking through the forest alone with him seemed like a very bad idea. “It’s a little cold for–”
“The brochure said all four seasons. Talked about how beautiful the mountains could be in the winter. I’m available this afternoon.”
Inwardly, she groaned.
“This is me being persuasive,” he said.
“No, this is you being hard to avoid.”
“Same difference. The more time you spend with me, the harder it will be to resist me. At least that’s my hope.”
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