Ain’t it Wicked? – Thankfully Naughty Blog Hop


This year I read a lot of wicked cool books (and some of them were truly naughty). I thoroughly enjoyed I Married a Billionaire by Melanie Marchande about a marriage of convenience with a billionaire.

I also went on a run of medieval romances, including Master of Craving by Karin Tabke, Heart of the Hawk by Elizabeth Mayne and my favorite of the year, Wicked by Jill Barnett.

I’m currently reading another Jill Barnett romance, Bewitching.

Have you read any wicked cool (or just wicked) books this year?


Evading Nevah

Two wayward souls from opposite sides of an intergalactic war find each other against all odds.

Captain Alara Nadrin leads an Alliance warship in battle. Above all else, the Alliance prizes military prowess, duty, and following orders. And Alara wants more than anything to make her father, the Admiral, proud of her but struggles when her conscience and her orders conflict.

Zarik of Thallor leads a refugee ship while carrying a holy relic to safety. His plans fall apart when Alaraโ€™s warship captures them, putting his people, his family and the relic in danger. He’ll do anything to protect them.

With war at stake, can Alara and Zarik choose love?


“I had an idea.” He paused. “What if you let me send a message to my people, telling them where the camp is? That way they could come get us as soon as you leave.”

She was silent for several seconds. “That might be possible. But you’d still need to make it look like you’d managed the communication through subterfuge, so if anyone found out, I wouldn’t be culpable.”

“That works for me. Let’s figure out how we can do it.”

“Would your military really spare a ship to come so far and get you?”

They would if they knew the Relic was on board. He would just need to retrieve it and somehow take it with him when the Alliance dropped them off. Then keep it safe from the pirates while they waited to be rescued.

As a plan, it wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t bad, either.

“I think so. If not the military, then a civilian ship. Our people take care of their own.” He immediately wished the last sentence back, but to his surprise, she didn’t bristle.

“Is your ship capable of sending such a transmission, or will you need access to ours?”

“Our ship can do it, if we can get to the bridge. We just need to know the location of the camp.”

She was quiet for some time. “In the Andaran sector. The planet Nevah.”

He swallowed. That was a desert planet. He’d heard of it, not because he knew so much about other worlds, but because it was notorious for being a killer. People joked that Nevah was worse than Hell. Nothing grew. There was no shade, just the beating sun and the dry dust. And pirates? The place was rife with pirates, because no one else wanted to go there.

This was where Alliance admirals thought babies should be sent.

“I’m sorry.” Her voice sounded muffled.

Zarik put his hand on her back. “You’re doing what you can for us. I appreciate that.”

“I never thought my people would do something like this. We stand for something. We—I thought we stood for something.”

He rubbed his thumb against the muscles along her spine. Just a little, to soothe her. “You’re doing the right thing now.”

“I hope it’s enough,” she said.

She looked so down, he couldn’t help himself. He gently pulled her into his arms and rested his cheek on the top of her head. She was so tiny. How could such a tiny woman be so strong?

“We shouldn’t,” she murmured, but she put her arms around him and didn’t move away.

He didn’t want to move away, either. She felt so good in his arms. Just right. And as soon as he moved, he’d have to remember she was someone he should never hold. And could never hold again.

She shifted, maybe pulling away, and he tightened his grip without thinking. He wasn’t ready, damn it.

“Zarik,” she said.

He dipped his head and kissed her. The kiss held the force of his frustration at liking someone he could never like, at having to let go of someone he didn’t want to let go of. After a moment, she tightened her arms around him and kissed him back.

If anything, that made it worse. He wasn’t alone; she liked him too. Now they’d both be lonely.

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24 thoughts on “Ain’t it Wicked? – Thankfully Naughty Blog Hop

  1. kimmy lange says:

    Thanks for a great post and awesome giveaway!!!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
    kac_030 @

  2. Karina V says:

    Happy thanksgiving!
    The cover of Evading Nevah is so beautiful ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Elise Chase says:

    Thanks for participating in the blog hop!

  4. Jennifer Johansen says:

    I haven’t read anything wicked in a while. I think it’s time to pick it up again!
    charychild at gmail dot com

  5. Deborah says:

    Thanks for the giveaway and chance to read a new author to me

  6. Deborah says:

    Sorry, for got to leave my email Thanks

  7. Michelle Willms says:

    Thank you for a lovely post. And thank you for a lovely giveaway. Naughty books help us to get into an appropriately naughty mood. Thank you for helping.

  8. Trix says:

    Thanks so much for participating!

  9. Ashfa Anwer says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    blackcapballistics AT gmail DOTcom

  10. Kirsten! says:

    Ah, this book sounds so cool- I love spacey-sci-fi, but rarely ever find any with enough romance for me ๐Ÿ˜€
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    aircdrewood at gmail dot com

  11. JeanMP says:

    Thanks for the giveaway. Love reading naughty stories.
    skpetal at hotmail dot com

  12. VeronikaDream says:

    Thank you for the post and giveaway!

  13. Krista says:

    I haven’t read anything particularly naughty this year. I’ve just been catching up on series. I do have a weakness for billionaires, so I will have to check out that book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Meghan Stith says:

    Loved the excerpt! Thanks for sharing!
    mestith at gmail dot com

  15. Dovile says:

    Thank you for the chance!

    spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

  16. Donna Newman says:

    Loved the excerpt, thanks for the giveaway!


  17. BookAttict says:

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  18. Evie says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    by.evie at yahoo dot com dot br

  19. Erika says:

    Thanks for the great post and giveaway!

  20. Natasha Donohoo says:

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  21. Satchmo says:

    I’ve read my fair share of “wicked” books this year (mostly YA)

  22. ghwasd says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! ghwasd at gmail dot com

  23. Ashley Applebee says:

    Great excerpt and I would love to read this book!
    Thanks for joining the hop!
    Ashley A

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